Zombicide: Black Plague

Zombicide: Black Plague takes players to a medieval fantasy world overrun by the undead. In a setting where the Necromancers have awakened dark forces, survivors must unite their skills to face hordes of flesh-hungry zombies. Join paladins, archers and mages in a relentless struggle to restore order and avenge the innocent. Players have the freedom to customize their characters with a variety of medieval weapons, such as sharp swords and sturdy bows, as well as being able to use magical enchantments that can turn the tide of battle. The game mechanics are intuitive, allowing new players to quickly integrate into the intense, strategic action. Explore dangerous streets and dark castles in search of hidden treasures and magical equipment that offer a tactical advantage. The dynamics of the game encourage collaboration between players as they try to stop the Necromancers before they can swell their undead ranks. Each mission presents new challenges and the urgency of becoming the true hero or facing terrible destruction. Get ready for the fight and let the adventure begin in Zombicide: Black Plague!

Age 13 + 60 min 1 to 6 players

Artists: Nicolas Fructus; Jérémy Masson

Designers: Raphaël Guiton; Jean-Baptiste Lullien

Date: 2015

Note: 8.3

Mechanics: Cooperative, Elimination of players, Hand Management, Players with Different Skills, Action Points, Data Scrolling, Modular tray

Topics: Horror/Terror, Medieval

Table of Contents
- How to Play
- Tips for playing
- Game mechanics
- Game components
- Additional Information

How to play Zombicide: Black Plague

Start by distributing each player a survivor control sheet, miniatures and initial equipment cards. The survivors are represented by miniatures on the board and have special abilities that can evolve.

Set up the board according to the chosen scenario, placing the tokens in the designated zones and preparing the Zombie deck. Each scenario has specific preparation rules and objectives to be achieved.

Each turn, players activate their survivors, allowing three actions per character. They can move, attack, change equipment or interact with the environment. Plan these actions carefully to control the zombies and achieve objectives.

After all the players have completed their actions, it's time for the zombies. They move towards the survivors and attack if they are in the same zone. Reveal and resolve zombie invasion cards to add new enemies to the board.

Survivors earn experience points by eliminating zombies and completing objectives. With more points, they level up and unlock new abilities, but this also increases the danger, attracting more dangerous zombies.

Change and equip weapons to adapt to situations. Use spells and the survivors' unique abilities to deal with the increase in difficulty as the game progresses.

Work as a team to surround the zombies without getting caught. Use strategies based on the type of zombie you're facing, as some are faster or more resistant. Effective communication between players is essential to survive and win.

The game ends when the players reach the objective of the scenario or if all the survivors die. Manage your resources and skills to maximize your chances of success.

Main objective

Zombicide: Black Plague is a cooperative board game where players take on the role of survivors in a zombie-infested medieval setting. The participants' main objective is to complete specific missions, which may include eliminating hordes of zombies, rescuing characters, collecting items or reaching certain locations on the map, all while surviving growing waves of undead enemies, using teamwork, careful strategy and the different skills of each character to achieve success and win the game.

Tips for playing Zombicide: Black Plague

Here are some tips for doing better in the game Zombicide: Black Plague:

  • Form balanced groups with survivors who have complementary skills.
  • Prioritize the search for items at the start of the game to better equip the survivors.
  • Use ranged combat skills to deal with large hordes without putting yourself at risk.
  • Control the opening of doors to prevent the mass activation of zombies.
  • Manage the danger level carefully; the higher it is, the more zombies appear!
  • Make sure that all survivors move together to offer mutual support.
  • Use the ability to reorganize the inventory frequently to maximize the team's effectiveness.
  • Keep an eye out for necromancers and eliminate them quickly to prevent their permanent negative effects.
  • Exploring all possible routes can sometimes relieve pressure in dangerous areas.
  • Invest in health regeneration skills to ensure long-term survival.

Video about the game

Mechanics of Zombicide: Black Plague

  • Hand Management: Each player has a limited inventory to equip weapons, armor and items. The mechanics require strategic decisions about which items to keep, exchange or discard during the game, directly impacting the survival of the characters.
  • Cooperative: Players work together to complete objectives in different scenarios. Cooperation is essential to plan moves, share resources and face hordes of zombies effectively. Success depends on good communications and joint strategies.
  • Elimination of players: If a character receives enough damage to reach or exceed their life level, they are eliminated from the game. This constant risk adds tension to the game, as the loss of one character can jeopardize the entire group's mission.
  • Players with Different Skills: Each character has a unique set of skills that evolve as they level up, influencing the style of play. Skills can include attack bonuses, extra moves or defensive improvements, encouraging complementarity between characters.
  • Data Scrolling: Used to resolve combats and other actions in the game, such as opening doors or searching for items. The roll determines success and the amount of damage dealt, bringing an element of luck and variability to matches.
  • Action Points: Each turn, players have a limited number of action points to spend on movement, attacks, quests and other actions. Effective management of these points is crucial to maximizing actions in a turn and responding appropriately to threats.
  • Modular tray: The game uses a set of board pieces that can be rearranged to create different maps. This allows for a wide variety of scenarios and challenges, keeping the game fresh and increasing its replay value with new layouts and possible tactics.

Game components Zombicide: Black Plague

See all the items in the game below Zombicide: Black Plague:

  • 125 cards
  • 68 tokens
  • 9 board pieces (double-sided)
  • 6 hero miniatures
  • 6 plastic character worksheets with bases and tokens
  • 65 undead miniatures
  • 48 plastic markers
  • 6 data
  • 1 instruction manual

Additional Information
