
In Vila, players take on the role of matriarchs and patriarchs of families who wish to leave an indelible mark on the history of their community. Life in the village is full of opportunities - from becoming a master craftsman to seeking the heart of wisdom as an elder. Every decision counts, for time is a limiting resource, and the choices you make can lead your family members to glory or oblivion. Players must carefully plan their actions, balancing the growth of their families with the inevitability of the passage of time. With an innovative and dynamic action system, Vila offers an immersive tactical experience, where the impact of your decisions will resonate for generations. Death is not the end, but a natural part of the journey, influencing how your stories will be remembered. Get ready for a game of strategy and emotion, where every move can shape the future of your village.

Age 12 + 75 min 2 to 4 players

Table of Contents
- How to Play
- Tips for playing
- Game mechanics
- Game components
- Additional Information

How to play Village

In the Village, start by organizing your board with houses, fields and craftsmen. Manage your resources well, such as wood and grain.

Prioritize actions that generate prestige points, such as training your villagers. This could involve putting them on the council or sending them on trips.

Control time; every action uses time, and when the villagers grow old, they die, being buried in the book of chronicles or in the anonymous tomb.

Balance between producing goods and selling them on the market to obtain coins. Use these coins to gain advantages.

Maximize the use of the action cubes with a specific color; they are limited and strategic for progress in the game.

Strategically decide which villagers train in trades or engage in religious activities. Prioritize what best suits your overall game strategy.

Main objective

The main objective of the Village game is to lead a rural family through the generations, managing its members so that they achieve success in various areas of medieval life, such as agriculture, crafts, trade or ecclesiastical influence. The player must balance routine tasks, face the inevitability of death and decide where their efforts will have the greatest impact in order to gain prestige and win the game.

Tips for playing Village

Here are some tips for doing better in the game Village:

  • Manage your time wisely; use the book of chronicles to take control of generations.
  • Invest in trips and fairs to gain prestige and rare goods.
  • Know your field well, optimize your harvests so that you always have resources available.
  • Think strategically when sending family members to the monastery; this can earn you important points.
  • Increase your crafting skills to produce valuable goods that generate more coins.
  • Remember to plan replacements for former employees in the village, younger members can carry on their legacy.
  • Pay for a dignified funeral for deceased members to ensure good points and a place in the village chronicles.

Video about the game

Mechanics of Village

  • Allocation of workersIn the Village, players use workers to carry out various actions on the board. Each player starts with a limited number of workers and must manage them to maximize their actions and the efficiency of their turn. The strategic positioning of workers is essential for the development of the village and the achievement of personal and collective objectives.
  • Collecting SetsThroughout the game, players collect sets of resources and items that are used to fulfill specific tasks or earn victory points. The right composition of these sets can offer strategic advantages, allowing players to gain additional benefits or unlock new actions.
  • Allocation of Different Types of WorkersDifferent types of workers can be allocated to specific tasks, and each type has unique skills or permissions. For example, more experienced workers can perform more complex tasks or access areas of the board that others cannot, requiring players to carefully plan which workers to use and when.
  • Order of the Shift: Claim ActionTurn order in the Village is determined by a claim action, where players decide the sequence of their future actions. This mechanic can be critical, as having an advantage in turn order can allow players to access resources and actions before their opponents.
  • ContractsContracts represent specific tasks or objectives that players must complete throughout the game. Fulfilling contracts can yield direct rewards, such as victory points or resources, encouraging players to balance their actions between fulfilling contracts and other strategies.
  • Influence / Majority in the AreaIn various areas of the board, the influence or presence of the players is compared to determine an exclusive advantage or benefit. Having a majority in an area can give control over resources or allow additional actions exclusively to the player who holds the dominant influence.
  • End of game bonusAt the end of the game, bonuses are awarded based on objectives achieved, resources accumulated, or areas under the player's control. Planning for these bonuses from the start is crucial, as they can determine the final winner, giving preference to those who have managed to balance progress during the game with long-term benefits.

Game components Village

See all the items in the game below Village:

  • 72 influence cubes (18 brown, 18 pink, 18 orange, 18 green)
  • 4 black monks
  • 1 mass card
  • 32 marker disks (8 red, 8 yellow, 8 blue, 8 white)
  • 1 first player marker
  • 24 tiles of customers
  • 40 tiles of goods (8 scrolls, 8 horses, 8 plows, 8 oxen, 8 carts)
  • 15 coins
  • 20 tiles of grain sacks
  • 1 sheet of stickers
  • 11 family members in red, yellow, blue and white (a total of 44)
  • 6 plague cubes
  • 4 farm trays
  • 1 main tray
  • 3 preparation letters
  • 2 cloth bags (1 green, 1 black)

Additional Information
