The Castles of Burgundy - Special Edition

**The Castles of Burgundy - Special Edition** is a reimagined version of Stefan Feld's acclaimed board game. In this game for 1 to 4 players, you take on the role of an aristocrat looking to expand his domain in the iconic Burgundy region of High Medieval France. The aim is to build a prosperous principality by erecting magnificent castles, developing settlements, exploiting silver mines and taking advantage of trade along the rivers. This special edition brings an impressive aesthetic overhaul, with new artwork and an optimized layout that guarantee a visually stunning experience. Each component has been meticulously crafted with high-quality materials, ensuring durability and a premium feel when playing. Improvements include double-layered player boards, which offer greater depth and usability, as well as special pockets for hexagons and metal coins, taking the gaming experience to a new level. Players compete strategically for control of settlement tokens, which will be placed in their Duchy, represented by an individual board. Through a combination of building tactics and resource management, each game promises an intriguing challenge and a unique recombination with every turn. Get ready to dive into a journey of strength and beauty with **The Castles of Burgundy - Special Edition**.

Age 12 + 120 min 1 to 4 players

Artists: Jakub Dzikowski; Patryk Jędraszek

Designers: Stefan Feld;

Date: 2023

Note: 8.6

Mechanics: Allocation of Data Workers, End of game bonus, Collecting Sets, Fitting Parts, Team play, Movement in Grids, Data Scrolling, Solo

Topics: Medieval

Table of Contents
- How to Play
- Tips for playing
- Game mechanics
- Game components
- Additional Information

How to play The Castles of Burgundy - Special Edition

Of course, here are the tips for playing The Castles of Burgundy - Special Edition:

Each player starts with a unique player board and a set of tiles. The central board consists of a variety of tiles for players to buy and use. On your turn, roll two dice to determine your actions.

You can use the result of the dice to take tiles from a storage area, place tiles on your player board, sell goods or gain workers. Managing your dice and workers well is crucial, as they allow you to modify the numbers on the dice.

Tiles of different types (castle, knowledge, ship, building, animal and mine) offer different benefits. For example, castles give you an extra move, while mines generate silver. Combine these tiles strategically to maximize your scores.

Completing regions on your board grants immediate bonuses and additional victory points. It's important to plan ahead to close regions efficiently and take advantage of bonus tiles that align with your objectives.

Balance your actions between collecting goods, completing regions and investing in improvements. Achieving a good synergy between your pieces and your board is essential if you want to stand out in the game. Good luck!

Main objective

The main objective of "The Castles of Burgundy - Special Edition" is to accumulate as many victory points as possible throughout the game, which takes place in the Burgundy region during the Middle Ages. Players take on the role of nobles committed to developing their lands by building settlements, creating trade, exploiting rivers and mining. The strategy involves optimizing the use of dice to carry out actions and complete different areas of the personal board, maximizing points for efficiency in constructions and bonuses obtained by finishing specific areas.

Tips for playing The Castles of Burgundy - Special Edition

Here are some tips for doing better in the game The Castles of Burgundy - Special Edition:

  • Focus on establishing strong asset production from the outset to ensure consistent income throughout the game.
  • The clever combination of building blocks can provide significant bonuses, so plan your placements with the future in mind.
  • Adapt your strategy based on the tiles available, don't insist on the same approach if circumstances don't favor your initial plan.
  • Use workers strategically to manipulate data results and optimize your actions during critical shifts.
  • Try to complete small areas at first to get completion bonuses and additional advantages quickly.
  • Pay attention to the end-game objectives and plan early on how to achieve them to maximize your score.
  • Balance is essential - don't neglect any area of your state, such as boating or livestock farming, which can offer many advantages.

Video about the game

Mechanics of The Castles of Burgundy - Special Edition

  • Placement of parts: Players place hexagons on their personal board to expand their territory. The tiles represent different types of terrain, such as farms or cities, each offering specific benefits. Strategic placement is crucial to maximizing your score.
  • Rolling dice: Each player rolls two dice at the start of their turn. The results determine what actions can be taken, such as acquiring new pieces or placing them on the board. Managing the dice values is essential to optimizing your moves.
  • Collecting Sets: Completing entire areas of the same type of terrain on the board awards extra points. Players must plan to gather and complete strategic sets throughout the game.
  • Team Play (Variant): In team games, players can combine strategies to optimize results. This usually involves sharing objectives and complementing each other's actions, although everyone still manipulates their own board.
  • Allocation of Data Workers: Workers can be used to modify dice results, allowing more flexibility in actions. They are a limited resource and need to be managed carefully for when data options are not favorable.
  • End of game bonus: Certain conditions, such as completing all areas of a specific type or achieving specific objectives, result in bonus points. Planning ahead to meet these criteria can be decisive in the final point count.
  • Movement in Grids: The personal board is made up of a hexagonal grid where the pieces are placed. Expanding on the grid efficiently maximizes the performance of the controlled territories and the synergy between them.
  • Solo: This mode allows a player to experience the game alone, competing against predefined conditions or beating their previous scores. The solo game preserves the essence and challenges of the multiplayer game.

Game components The Castles of Burgundy - Special Edition

See all the items in the game below The Castles of Burgundy - Special Edition:

  • 4 Layered Player Boards
  • 26 Metal Coins
  • 12 Bonus bookmarks
  • 4 Victory Point Markers
  • 4 Shift Order Markers
  • 4 Fabric bags
  • 42 pieces of merchandise
  • 16 Miniature Fortifications
  • 9 Data
  • 180+ Enlarged Hexagonal Pieces
  • High-quality plastic insert
  • Main Board
  • 4 Reference Sheets
  • 60+ Duchy Trays (4 x 28 Full Copies)
  • Updated Rule Book
  • 130+ Miscellaneous Components

Additional Information
