## Game Description Stop Get ready for a word challenge that will test your speed and creativity! In the Stop game, tension is always in the air, because every second counts. Start by handing out cards to the players, each of whom enters their name. The excitement begins when you spin the roulette wheel, which determines the five themes of the game. Once the first player has been chosen, the roulette wheel reveals a letter. This is when the game really begins! Participants must fill in the columns of their card with words that begin with the letter drawn, corresponding to the themes previously determined. The pressure is high, and the faster you go, the more chances you have of winning! As soon as someone has completed all five words, shouting "STOP" is the order of the day! Everyone must stop immediately. It's time to reveal the written words. Single words are worth 10 points, while repetitions guarantee 5 points for each player. If any topic isn't filled in, it's zero for sure. The game continues until everyone has had a chance to spin the wheel. In the end, whoever has accumulated the most points wins. Stop is not just a game; it's an explosion of laughter, competition and, of course, the challenge of finding the right word before everyone else. Get ready to have fun and surprise your friends as you face off in this battle of words!Table of Contents
- How to Play
- Tips for playing
- Game mechanics
- Game components
- Additional Information
Tips for playing
Here are some tips for doing better in the game Stop:
1. **Países**: Em vez de sempre lembrar dos mais comuns, busque lembrar de nações menores ou ilhas. Países como San Marino ou Tuvalu podem surpreender seus adversários. 2. **Nomes**: Pense em nomes que possam ter significados em outras línguas. Por exemplo, Lourdes é usado em várias culturas. 3. **Animais**: Quando a letra é desafiante, vá de insetos ou animais menos conhecidos. A preguiça, por exemplo, nem sempre é lembrada. 4. **Cores**: Não se prenda ao óbvio. Tons como turquesa ou carmim podem ser aquele diferencial. 5. **Frutas**: Que tal pensar em frutas exóticas? Guabiju é uma escolha inusitada que poucos conhecem. Boa sorte e divirta-se no jogo!Video about the game
GAME mechanics
- Paper and pen - In the Stop game, each player needs pen and paper to write down their answers. Each round begins with a randomly selected letter of the alphabet. Players then write down words that begin with that letter in different categories, such as names, animals or cities. For example, if the letter is "C" and one of the categories is "animal", a player could write "Dog". The pen must be agile so that the player can fill in as many categories as possible before another player shouts "Stop", signaling the end of the round. It is important that the paper is divided correctly between the categories to keep the answers organized and legible. After the round is over, players share their answers, check for duplicates and add up points for unique answers. Pens and paper always need to be at hand to avoid unnecessary interruptions during the game. This crucial mechanic allows not only for organization, but also for the quick checking and validation of answers at the end of each round. This is a tradition that many have maintained since childhood, when Stop was one of the favorite activities during school breaks or family gatherings.
Game components
See all the items in the game below Stop:
- 4 Cardboard Game Boards
- 4 Erasable bookmarks
- 4 Erasers
- 1 Cardboard Roulette
Additional Information
- Ludopedia link:
- Link Tabletopia:
- Amazon Brazil link: Comprar Stop
- Amazon USA link: Comprar Stop