Pandemic Legacy: Season 1

Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 brings a unique and immersive gaming experience, where the fight against disease is transformed into a gripping narrative that unfolds over the course of a year. Players become part of a team of health experts who must face four viral threats, while dealing with twists and turns every month that change the course of the game. The decisions made affect not only the current mission, but also future challenges, creating a legacy that persists with each game. In this game, you don't just fight outbreaks; you shape the history of the world, developing characters who gain skills, face losses and win victories. Diseases that initially seem under control soon spread in unexpected ways, requiring adaptive strategies and teamwork. Each session becomes a new adventure, as players discover cards, events and consequences that permanently alter their board and its possibilities. Complexity: 2.83 / 5 (BGG 04/05/2023) ************************************************************************** Nominated for the Ludopedia Game of the Year Award 2015 **************************************************************************

Age 13 + 60 min 2 to 4 players

Artists: Chris Quilliams;

Designers: Rob Daviau; Matt Leacock

Date: 2015

Note: 8.6

Mechanics: Multipurpose cards, Collecting Sets, Cooperative, Hand Management, Players with Different Skills, Legado, Point-to-point movement, Negotiation, Action Points

Topics: Science, Environment

Table of Contents
- How to Play
- Tips for playing
- Game mechanics
- Game components
- Additional Information

How to play Pandemic Legacy: Season 1

Before each match, read the specific instructions for the month in question, as new rules and events are introduced throughout the game.

Choose roles with skills that complement each other, forming a balanced team. Cooperation between everyone is key to controlling diseases.

Manage city cards carefully, using them to travel between cities or build strategically located research centers.

Prioritize the eradication of diseases that are close to being cured, but always keep an eye on global spread to avoid large-scale collapses.

Approach missions and objectives flexibly, adapting your tactics as the match evolves and events occur.

Use the skills and knowledge accumulated over the course of the matches to optimize your strategies and deal with the adversities introduced each new month.

At the end of each match, record successes and failures, taking into account the possibility of adjusting tactics for future campaigns.

Main objective

The main objective of Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 is for players to cooperate to control the spread of four deadly diseases around the world while developing cures, reacting to dynamic events and permanent changes that occur over the course of a 12- to 24-month campaign in the game, with decisions made by players affecting the course of the narrative and permanently altering game components and rules.

Tips for playing Pandemic Legacy: Season 1

Here are some tips for doing better in the game Pandemic Legacy: Season 1:

  • Prioritize the cure of diseases before focusing on their total eradication.
  • Use characters with complementary skills to maximize the group's efficiency.
  • Players should discuss strategy before each turn to ensure a coordinated approach.
  • Embrace the permanent changes to the board, use them to your advantage whenever possible.
  • The tip of placing research stations at strategic points is valuable.
  • Remember to use the event cards at the most critical moment to save the game.
  • Manage the number of infections well; don't let them accumulate in key cities.
  • Be flexible and adapt your strategy as the Legacy cards are revealed.
  • Take seriously the exploration of new rules as they are introduced; they can drastically change the dynamics of the game.
  • Carefully analyze the options for monthly upgrades; they are key to long-term success.
  • Keep an eye out for secondary objectives; completing them can bring you crucial advantages in future games.
  • Remember that the game is cooperative; every decision must be made for the good of the group as a whole.
  • Never underestimate the importance of effective communication between players as the months progress.
  • Use character support cards wisely, as they are limited and extremely valuable.
  • Control the panic in the cities to avoid bigger problems in the coming rounds.
  • When faced with difficulties, don't hesitate to re-evaluate your tactics and start again with a different plan.

Video about the game

Mechanics of Pandemic Legacy: Season 1

Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 mechanics
  • Hand Management: Each player can have a limited number of cards in their hand. The strategic choice of which cards to keep and when to discard them is essential for planning future actions and completing specific objectives, such as curing diseases.
  • Collecting Sets: To cure a disease, the player must collect a set of five cards of the same color. The exchange of cards between players and efficient movement are crucial to gathering sets quickly, especially in emergency situations.
  • Negotiation: Players can exchange cards with other participants, but only when they are in the same city. This mechanic requires communication and collective planning to maximize efficiency and solve common objectives.
  • Cooperative: All the players work together to save the world from disease. Group strategies, information exchange and consensus decisions are key to the team's success.
  • Players with Different Skills: Each character has unique abilities that influence the game strategy. For example, the Doctor can cure all the diseases in a city with one action, while the Scientist needs fewer cards to find a cure.
  • Point-to-point movement: The board is made up of interconnected cities. Players move from one point to another using different types of transportation, deciding between speed or saving cards.
  • Action Points: Players have a limited number of actions during their turn. Decisions about how to spend these actions - moving, healing, building bases - need to be thought through carefully in order to optimize the turn.
  • Legado: Players' decisions have a permanent impact on future games. New rules, cards and functions are introduced as the story progresses, changing the dynamics and strategy of the game as the matches progress.
  • Multipurpose cards: Some cards can be used in various ways, such as moving to a specific city or performing special actions. The versatility of these cards adds another layer of strategy to players' planning.

Game components Pandemic Legacy: Season 1

See all the items in the game below Pandemic Legacy: Season 1:

  • 1 game board
  • 5 character pawns
  • 61 stock letters
  • 48 locality cards
  • 5 outbreak cards
  • 8 special event cards
  • 4 quick reference cards
  • 48 infection cards
  • 62 legacy letters
  • 4 civilian letters
  • 5 organizer folders
  • 1 sheet of stickers
  • 4 healing markers
  • 2 general markers
  • 1 infection rate marker
  • 1 surge marker
  • 1 reminder marker
  • 96 disease cubes (24 of each color)
  • 6 research centers
  • 1 instruction manual
  • Components for the Legacy campaign

Additional Information
