Oh Hell!

Oh Hell! is an engaging card game that challenges players to bet on how many tricks they think they can win each round. The mechanics are simple: each player places their bet before the cards are played, and only those who hit the exact number of tricks win points. If someone doesn't fulfill their bet, the points are subtracted, making each decision even more strategic. The dynamics of the game ensure that at least one player will always face a surprise, as the sum of the bets may not match the total number of tricks available in that hand. Get ready for a game of skill, bluffing and twists!

Age 10 + 30 min 3 to 7 players

Artists: ;

Designers: Geoffrey Mott-Smith;

Date: 1930

Note: 6.3

Table of Contents
- How to Play
- Tips for playing
- Game mechanics
- Game components
- Additional Information

How to play Oh Hell!

The game is played with a standard deck of 52 cards. Before each round, the number of cards dealt to each player varies, starting with just one card in the first round and progressively increasing to the maximum possible, then decreasing again.

Each player must predict how many tricks they will win in the round after seeing their cards. This prediction is made secretly and revealed simultaneously.

The player to the left of the dealer starts the round by playing any card. The following players must follow the suit of the starting card if possible. If they can't, they can play any other card.

The trick is won by the player who plays the highest card within the suit started. If someone can't follow suit, but plays a trump, the highest trump wins the round.

After each round, you score points based on your predictions. If you hit exactly the number of tricks you predicted, you get additional points on top of the number of tricks. If you get it wrong, you get fewer points.

The trick of the game is to balance your prediction realistically with the cards you have and correctly estimate the cards the other players have. Strategic planning and analysis of moves are essential to winning.

Main objective

The main aim of Oh Hell! is to accurately predict the number of tricks a player will win each round. Players make their predictions before each round based on their hands and the card turned up as trump. After the betting phase, players try to win exactly the number of tricks bet. Points are awarded for correct predictions and, at the end of the game, the player with the most points wins.

Tips for playing Oh Hell!

Here are some tips for doing better in the game Oh Hell!:

  • Pay attention to the distribution of cards to predict how many blanks you can win.
  • Observe your opponents' tendencies to better guess their next moves.
  • Constantly assess which cards have not yet been played and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  • Remember that winning the exact number of voids you predicted is crucial; no more, no less.
  • Use your high cards carefully, preferably when you're sure you'll win the void.
  • Remember that in medium rounds, the trump suit is a powerful tool for turning the game in your favour.
  • Consider "underbidding" or "overbidding" strategically to unbalance your opponents and maximize your score.
  • Be flexible and ready to adjust your game depending on your opponents' moves and strategies.

Video about the game

Mechanics of Oh Hell!

  • Distribution of Letters: The game Oh Hell! is played with a standard deck of 52 cards. The number of cards dealt to each player varies according to the round, usually starting with one card in the first round and increasing until it reaches the total number of cards that can be dealt without exhausting the deck. In the final rounds, the number of cards dealt decreases again until it returns to one card.
  • Definition of Trump: After the cards have been dealt, the next card from the top of the deck is turned face up and defines the trump suit for the round. If there are not enough cards to turn over, the last hand will have no trump and will be played without a predominant suit.
  • Trick predictions: Starting with the player to the left of the dealer, each player makes a prediction of the number of tricks they believe they will win that round. These predictions are written down and used to calculate the score after each round. The aim is to land exactly the number of tricks predicted.
  • Card Playing: Players must follow the suit of the card led whenever possible. If a player cannot follow suit, they can choose to play a card of any other suit, including trump. The trick is won by the highest card of the suit led, unless a card of the trump suit has been played, in which case the highest trump wins the trick.
  • Pontuação: After all the tricks in a round have been played, the score is calculated. Players who got their prediction exactly right receive a bonus (usually 10 points) in addition to points for each trick won. Players who didn't get their prediction right only get points for the tricks won, without the additional bonus.
  • Round progression: Each game of Oh Hell! consists of multiple rounds, with the number of cards dealt varying as explained above. The match usually progresses from a single card dealt to the maximum possible and then decreases again until it returns to one. The winner of the match is the player with the highest total score at the end of all the rounds.

Game components Oh Hell!

See all the items in the game below Oh Hell!:

  • Deck of cards
  • Punctuation markers
  • Game board (optional)
  • Game instructions
  • Players (minimum 3)

Additional Information
