It's a Wonderful World

Welcome to the challenging universe of "It's a Wonderful World"! In this immersive strategy game, you and the other players take on the role of visionary leaders, struggling to develop prosperous empires in a dystopian future full of opportunities and challenges. Each round begins with you being dealt seven cards, each representing a building or precious resource. Your mission is to decide which ones to use: build iconic structures to increase your production in the long term or recycle cards to obtain instant resources. Strategy is key, as each choice can influence the evolution of your empire in the following rounds. The buildings you complete increase your production capacity, but the order in which you produce resources can make all the difference. The game challenges you to plan ahead, looking for the right moment to implement your strategies and maximize your profits. With a dynamic draft mechanic, "It's a Wonderful World" allows you to customize your empire according to your preferences, always in search of the best result. Build, produce and expand your domain to ensure a bright future in a world where every decision counts. Get ready to bring your empire to life and find out which leader will emerge victorious in this exciting card game!

Age 14 + 60 min 1 to 5 players

Table of Contents
- How to Play
- Tips for playing
- Game mechanics
- Game components
- Additional Information

How to play It's a Wonderful World

Each player starts with seven cards in their hand, and the game is divided into four rounds, each with three phases: Draft, Planning and Production.

In the Draft phase, players choose a card from their hand, place it face down and pass the rest to the next player. This continues until all the cards have been chosen.

During Planning, you can recycle cards to get immediate resources or place them in your construction area. Cards in the construction area need resources to be completed.

The Production phase involves generating resources of five types, following a specific order. Use resources to complete cards in your construction area and earn skills and victory points.

Complete buildings to increase production capacity and manage your economy efficiently, taking advantage of bonuses that some cards offer when completed.

Main objective

The main objective of the game "It's a Wonderful World" is to develop the most powerful and efficient empire over four rounds, using a strategic combination of card recruitment, resource production planning and building structures that offer victory points. Players must manage their resources optimally to maximize their victory points at the end of the game, balancing the construction of cards that generate resources with those that grant additional effects and bonuses.

Tips for playing It's a Wonderful World

Here are some tips for doing better in the game It's a Wonderful World:

  • Prioritize resource production letters at the beginning to ensure a constant and balanced flow.
  • Concentrate on completing projects that offer point-multiplier bonuses.
  • Adapt your strategy to the decks available; be flexible about the types of cards you choose to develop.
  • Always monitor what your opponents are doing to anticipate strategies and block possible combinations.
  • Make the most of the recycling cards to boost your production in the next round.
  • Balance high and low cost projects to ensure effective construction throughout the match.
  • Maximize the use of your points multipliers at the end of the game by diversifying the colors of the full cards.
  • Don't ignore blue cards; they are important in developing a long-term strategy.
  • Watch the supremacy pile; gain control of the cards that are essential to your strategy.
  • Plan your projects according to the resources you already have to avoid waste.

Video about the game

Mechanics of It's a Wonderful World

  • Simultaneous Action Selection: In each round, players simultaneously choose cards to build or recycle. This mechanic speeds up the game and requires strategic planning, as all players act at the same time.
  • Collecting Sets: During the game, players collect cards to complete sets that offer additional points or special abilities. Choosing which cards to collect is essential to align with your scoring strategy.
  • Hand Management: Players need to manage the cards in their hand, deciding which ones to build to generate resources in the future or which ones to recycle to obtain resources immediately. Effective card management can determine success in the match.
  • End of game bonus: Several cards offer bonuses that are only counted at the end of the game. Building with an eye on these bonuses can give you a significant and surprising advantage in the final score.
  • Building from a Model: Players build from a pre-established civilization plan. Each card requires specific resources to complete, promoting a strategic building order based on the needs of your empire.
  • Contracts: Some cards offer contracts which, when completed, guarantee additional advantages or allow resources and points to be converted more efficiently, rewarding planning and fulfillment.
  • Automatic Resource Growth: Once activated, resource production is automatic every turn. Players need to focus on continuously improving their production chain in order to maximize yields throughout the game.
  • Closed Purchase: Each choice and development is made secretly, until all decisions are revealed simultaneously. This adds a layer of strategy, where deducing opponents' intentions influences their actions.
  • Income: Every end of round, players harvest the resources from their built cards. It's crucial to have an efficient income stream to keep the empire's production and construction active and expanding.

Game components It's a Wonderful World

See all the items in the game below It's a Wonderful World:

  • 1 Game Board in five sections
  • 5 Civilization Cards (back A/B)
  • 150 Progress Cards
  • 35 Resource Cubes
  • 30 Energy Cubes
  • 30 Scientific Cubes
  • 30 Golden Cubes
  • 30 Exploration Cubes
  • 15 Krystallium cubes
  • 40 Generals Token
  • 40 Investor Token
  • 1 Shift indicator
  • 1 Scorebook

Additional Information
