War of the Ring (Second Edition)

War of the Ring (Second Edition) is a strategic game for two players, where one takes on the role of the Free Peoples of Middle-earth, while the other controls the forces of the Shadow under the command of Sauron. At the start of the game, the Free Peoples are hesitant to unite against the darkness and need to be convinced by figures such as Gandalf before they throw themselves into the fight. The objective of the game varies: Sauron seeks to conquer cities and fortresses to secure a military victory, while the real hope of the Free Peoples lies in the mission of the Ringbearer, who must cross Middle-earth towards Mount Doom to destroy the One Ring. Sauron, unaware of the Ring Society's intentions, tries to locate the precious Ring, forcing the heroes to face a series of dangers on their journey. The player controlling the Free Peoples must manage the protection of Frodo and Sam, while also trying to mobilize society and the free nations against the armies of the Shadow. Only by balancing these needs can the player prevent Middle-earth from falling under Sauron's rule before the Ringbearer completes his mission. The game uses an Action dice rolling system, where each die represents an action that can be taken during the turn. The combination of dice results determines the possibilities for movement, troop recruitment, and political interaction. In addition, the dice are key to acquiring and playing Event cards, which introduce narrative situations that deviate from the normal rules, providing the game with unexpected twists and turns and allowing special actions to change the course of battles. Complexity: 4.20 / 5 (BGG 12/04/2023)

Age 12 + 150 min 2 to 4 players

Table of Contents
- How to Play
- Tips for playing
- Game mechanics
- Game components
- Additional Information

How to play War of the Ring (Second Edition)

Start by separating the game components and organizing them according to the manual. Make sure that all players have access to the board and the miniatures corresponding to the factions they will control.

Choose who will be the Shadow player and who will be the Free Peoples player. Deal out the Event cards and miniatures to each side. Place the starting pieces on the board as indicated in the rule book.

On your turn, roll Action dice. Use the results to perform permitted actions such as moving armies, starting battles, moving the Fellowship of the Ring, or playing Event cards.

Event cards provide special abilities or modify rules temporarily. Remember that each faction has its own deck of cards that bring specific advantages.

To win as a Shadow player, you need to conquer a specific number of cities and fortresses of the Free Peoples. As a Free Peoples player, your victory can be achieved by leading the Fellowship of the Ring to Mordor and destroying the One Ring.

If the Society is corrupted, or the Free Peoples lose enough of their strongholds, the Shadow players win.

During the game, manage your troops, carefully plan your moves, and use the cards strategically to maximize your advantages and minimize your weaknesses.

Main objective

The main objective of the game "War of the Ring" (Second Edition) is to achieve victory by balancing military and diplomatic strategies, where the Forces of Shadow attempt to dominate Middle-earth or corrupt the Ring-bearer, while the Free Peoples seek to rally their armies to resist the enemy advance, protect the Ring-bearer and eventually destroy the One Ring by throwing it into Mount Doom.

Tips for playing War of the Ring (Second Edition)

Here are some tips for doing better in the game War of the Ring (Second Edition):

  • Prioritize controlling strategic locations such as Dol Guldur and Helm's Deep to earn quick victory points.
  • Use event cards wisely, as some can turn the game around if used well.
  • Manage your troops and resources well; thoughtless advances can leave your defenses vulnerable.
  • Like Sauron, focus on corrupting the Fellowship of the Ring to increase your chances of victory.
  • For the Society, hiding in the shadows and avoiding direct confrontation can be crucial to success.
  • Consider diverting the enemy's attention with decoy moves.
  • Consolidate your control in the strongholds; they are crucial to maintaining positions in the long term.

Video about the game

Mechanics of War of the Ring (Second Edition)

  • Influence / Majority in the Area: This mechanic allows the player to control regions and influence factions in the game. Control of strategic areas can alter the ability to recruit troops, movement and trigger special events. Opponents compete to gain a majority in important areas in order to gain significant advantages.
  • Data Scrolling: The dice are rolled to determine the types of actions a player can take during their turn. Each face of the die represents a possible action, such as moving troops, recruiting units or mobilizing armies, introducing an element of luck into the player's overall strategy.
  • Campaign / Card battles: During battles, players use cards to add modifiers, special abilities or to influence the outcome of combat. Each card brings a specific tactic or event that can change the course of a battle, creating an additional layer of strategy during the conflict.
  • Conflict Resolution by Letters: Cards are used to resolve combats and conflicts, with players strategically choosing which cards to play in different situations. This mechanic adds elements of bluffing and foresight, as players need to anticipate their opponents' actions when choosing their own cards.
  • Events: Event cards represent significant moments and narrative developments in the world of "The Lord of the Rings". These events can drastically change the direction of the game, introducing new temporary rules, affecting units on the board or altering the political state of nations.
  • Hand Management: Players must efficiently manage their hand cards, which contain actions, events and special powers. Deciding when and how to use these cards is crucial to maximizing their effects and minimizing the negative consequences of the opponent's moves.
  • Hidden Movement: This mechanic is mainly used by the Fellowship of the Ring, allowing their secret movement around the board. The aim is to reach Mordor undetected by the forces of the Shadow, adding a layer of tension and stealth strategy to the game.
  • Movement Points: They determine how many units or regions can be moved per turn. Efficient management of movement points is crucial for advancing strategic armies, carrying out attacks and achieving objectives before the opponent can react.
  • Simulação: The game recreates the atmosphere and narrative of "The Lord of the Rings", with historical elements and characters recreated in their specific roles and abilities. The simulation helps players immerse themselves in the world of Middle-earth and creates interactions close to those seen in literature.
  • Variable preparation: Players can configure the board and initial conditions in different ways for each game. This guarantees a new and customizable experience in every match, with different strategies and challenges based on the chosen configuration.
  • Team play: War of the Ring can be played in teams, with a division between the free peoples and the forces of shadow. This values cooperation and the coordination of shared strategies between team members, increasing complexity and involvement in decision-making.

Game components War of the Ring (Second Edition)

See all the items in the game below War of the Ring (Second Edition):

  • 1 instruction manual
  • 2 Player help
  • 1 Two-piece folding tray
  • 6 Free Alliance Action Data
  • 10 Shadow Action Dice
  • 5 six-sided combat dice
  • 10 Hero Cards (Free characters)
  • 1 Letter from Gollum
  • 3 Minion Cards (Shadow Characters)
  • 96 Event Cards (in four packs of 24 cards)
  • 205 plastic miniatures representing armies and characters from the War of the Ring
  • 76 Cardboard markers:
    • 24 Search Pieces (16 Standard and 8 Special)
    • 6 Army Representations
    • 3 Elven ring markers
    • 1 Corruption marker
    • 7 Hero bookmarks
    • 1 Marker of Aragorn, Heir of Isildur
    • 1 Gandalf the White bookmark
    • 1 Society Progress Indicator
    • 8 Political Markers
    • 20 Markers of Domination over Colonies
    • 2 Victory Point Markers
    • 2 Main Player Badges (for 3 or 4 players)

Additional Information
