Great Western Trail: Argentina

In Great Western Trail: Argentina, you take on the role of a cattle rancher in the vast and breathtaking scenery of the Argentine Pampas at the end of the 19th century. Your mission is to drive your herd to the busy railway station in Buenos Aires, a task that requires both cunning and strategy. With mechanics reminiscent of the acclaimed Great Western Trail, this game features innovations and new elements, such as the introduction of ranchers as a new type of worker on your board. The choices multiply: you can choose to explore different routes on the board, passing buildings and interacting with farmers, or use your cattle cards to strengthen alliances by producing grain, an essential resource for your journey. In addition, the game allows you to unlock shortcuts that can speed up your deliveries to Buenos Aires, although this requires sacrificing some valuable actions. The pressure on time is palpable, with arrival at the central station becoming a decisive event, where every move counts. Financial management also receives a new focus. In Great Western Trail: Argentina, money is easier to come by, but the options for action and strategy become even more complex, especially with the inclusion of new exhaustion cards that increase the stakes. Finally, you can challenge yourself with the patience mode, where Pedro waits for you to try and beat his score. This new version, Great Western Trail: Argentina (2022), is part of the trilogy that includes Great Western Trail: Second Edition (2021) and Great Western Trail: New Zealand (2023), extending the experience for all fans of the series.

Age 12 + 150 min 1 to 4 players

Artists: Chris Williams (I);

Designers: Alexander Pfister;

Date: 2022

Note: 8.6

Mechanics: Collecting Sets, Hand Management, Movement on the Trail, Variable preparation, Property, Solo

Topics: Animals, Wild West

Table of Contents
- How to Play
- Tips for playing
- Game mechanics
- Game components
- Additional Information

How to play Great Western Trail: Argentina

Each player starts with a personal board, initial cattle cards and workers. The aim is to move your pawn around the central board, delivering cattle to Buenos Aires for victory points.

During the turn, move your pawn up to the number of spaces allowed. When you arrive, perform the location's action, which may include obtaining new cards, hiring workers, or constructing buildings.

Keep your eye on the deck: buy, dispose of and improve your cattle, maximizing values before selling in Buenos Aires. The diversity and value of the cattle are crucial for scoring.

Also, build buildings at strategic locations on the track. They offer unique actions and hinder your opponents' progress.

Employ workers in the right categories: cowboys improve your ability to buy cattle, bricklayers help with construction, and engineers optimize deliveries.

Manage resources well to access trail shortcuts, saving time and optimizing benefits along the route.

Finally, pay attention to the interaction between players and plan your moves taking into account their strategies and the opportunities offered by the board.

Main objective

In the game Great Western Trail: Argentina, the main objective is to drive herds of cattle across Argentina, starting in the pampas and ending in the ports of Buenos Aires. Along the way, players will optimize their strategies to maximize the delivery of valuable and efficient cattle on rail routes, improving their hands of cards, developing their infrastructure and using specialized workers. Victory is achieved by whoever accumulates the most points at the end, managing resources and taking advantage of economic and logistical opportunities along this historic and commercial trail.

Tips for playing Great Western Trail: Argentina

Here are some tips for doing better in the game Great Western Trail: Argentina:

  • Manage your cattle cards strategically to optimize your movements and maximize points.
  • Prioritize the development of your buildings to create efficient routes and hone your skills.
  • Look out for opportunities to hire workers who complement your game strategy.
  • Use movement actions efficiently to make the most of each shift and avoid waste.
  • Invest the time to improve your locomotive, allowing you to access more lucrative markets.
  • Consider the diversity of your deliveries to maximize points and avoid penalties.
  • Adjust your actions depending on the options on the board and your opponents' moves.
  • Monitor your opponents' progress to calculate risks and prevent them from anticipating your tactics.
  • Prioritize building an efficient deck, removing less valuable cattle cards when possible.

Video about the game

Mechanics of Great Western Trail: Argentina

  • Collecting Sets: In Great Western Trail: Argentina, players collect sets of cattle cards. Each cattle belongs to a specific breed and counts for victory points when sold in Buenos Aires. The aim is to have a variety of cattle cards before a sale to get as many points as possible.
  • Deck building: Each player starts with an initial deck of low-value cattle cards. During the game, they can add more valuable cards to their deck by buying them on the market. Cattle cards are essential to the strategy, as they impact the final score when sold.
  • Bags and parts: The game uses worker tokens and money as resources. Players need to manage these resources to pay expenses, hire workers and construct buildings during the game. Efficient management of these elements is crucial to optimizing actions and progress.
  • Hand Management: Players manage the cattle cards they have in hand, deciding when to sell them in Buenos Aires to maximize scores. Buying and selling decisions need to take into account the cards already in hand and the route possibilities to optimize results.
  • Ownership: Players can construct buildings along the trail. These properties provide permanent special abilities or additional actions to their owners and can also affect the movement of other players by charging fees or offering discounts.
  • Variable preparation: The game has a variable initial configuration. Neutral buildings are positioned randomly along the track, creating a different game board for each match. This ensures different strategies and dynamics in each game session.
  • Solo: Great Western Trail: Argentina offers a solo mode, where a player competes against an automated opponent. This mode maintains the essence of the game, challenging the player to optimize their actions and strategies against a "bot" with predefined rules.
  • Track Movement: Players move their pawns along a modular track on the board. Each turn, the player can decide their movement to stop at strategic locations to carry out actions, go up the ParanĂ¡ river or sell cattle in Buenos Aires. The choice of route directly impacts the actions available and individual progress during the game.

Game components Great Western Trail: Argentina

See all the items in the game below Great Western Trail: Argentina:

  • 1 game board
  • 4 wooden farmer's markers
  • 4 wooden hats
  • 4 wooden locomotives
  • 4 individual trays
  • 5 pieces of player identification
  • 82 coins
  • 1 labor market marker
  • 12 trade tokens
  • 92 cattle cards
  • 24 goal cards
  • 25 fatigue cards
  • 57 employee files
  • 51 farmer tokens
  • 3 cloth bags
  • 72 player disks
  • 4 certifications
  • 4 grain markers
  • 8 station tokens
  • 48 building tiles
  • 1 specialization token
  • 1 scoring booklet
  • 1 instruction manual
  • 1 appendix
  • 1 manual for solo play
  • 15 letters from Peter
  • 12 charge cards
  • 1 Pedro tray
  • 1 tile from Pedro's cattle market
  • 3 maps of the port city
  • 3 tiles to cover spaces
  • 18 pieces of boat

Additional Information
