Caledonian clans

Clans of Caledonia is an economic strategy game set in 19th century Scotland, a period of significant transition where agriculture gave way to industrialization and trade. In this context, players take on the role of historical clans, each with their own unique skills, competing in the production and trade of products such as food and whisky, the premium drink of the time. The game takes place over five rounds, each consisting of three phases: player turns, production phase and scoring. During turns, players can take one of eight available actions, ranging from building to improving their infrastructure, as well as trading and exporting. A clever strategy is crucial, because when a player's finances run out, they spend the turn, but still receive a bonus. In the production phase, players collect resources and goods from their production units on the board, which reflect the yield of their enterprises. It is important to manage resources efficiently, as refined goods require specific basic items to be produced. Scoring takes place at the end of each round, where players receive points according to the progress they have made, varying with each game thanks to a modular board with 16 different configurations, 8 clans and various bonus and scoring options. With medium complexity and rich replayability, Clans of Caledonia offers an engaging strategic experience for board game lovers.

Age 12 + 120 min 1 to 4 players

Artists: Klemens Franz;

Designers: Juma Al-JouJou;

Date: 2017

Note: 8.8

Mechanics: Building Networks and Routes, Contracts, Commodities speculation, Players with Different Skills, Market, Shift order: Passing order, Solo, Modular tray

Topics: Animals, Economy / Production

Table of Contents
- How to Play
- Tips for playing
- Game mechanics
- Game components
- Additional Information

How to play Caledonian clans

In Clans of Caledonia, each player leads a clan with unique abilities. Choose the clan that complements your strategy and plan your actions taking into account their special strengths.

Position your units strategically on the board. Try areas close to valuable resources to facilitate production and future exchanges. Remember that resources at the start of the game may be limited.

Expansion is crucial. Extend your influence into new territories to increase production. However, manage your economy well so as not to expand beyond your capabilities.

Use the market to buy and sell resources efficiently. Keep an eye on prices, they fluctuate based on supply and demand. Buying low and selling high can be the key to financial success.

Complete contracts to obtain victory points and additional advantages. They require specific resources. Plan your productions to fulfill contracts efficiently and maximize the benefits.

Take note of the end-of-round scoring targets, as they award additional points. Adjust your actions to achieve these goals whenever possible without compromising your overall strategy.

Main objective

The main objective of the Clans of Caledonia game is to accumulate the highest number of victory points over five rounds by producing and trading goods such as wool, cheese, whisky and bread, as well as completing export contracts. Players must expand their clans across Scotland, using each clan's unique skills to optimize resource management and territory occupation, while pursuing specific objectives and adapting to market conditions that change with each round.

Tips for playing Caledonian clans

Here are some tips for doing better in the game Caledonian clans:

  • Expand your trade routes early in the game to ensure access to more resources and increase your trade options.
  • Prioritize the production of goods that are in high demand in the initial rounds to maximize your profits.
  • Use export contracts wisely to align your productions with the bonuses offered for completing them.
  • Consider strategic location when establishing new industries, ensuring proximity bonuses with other resources.
  • Don't neglect whisky production, as it can be a significant source of income, especially in the final rounds.
  • Always look out for end-of-round bonuses and plan your actions to maximize the points you get from them.
  • Maintain flexibility in your strategy, adapting to the actions of your opponents and changes in the market.

Video about the game

Mechanics of Caledonian clans

  • Building Networks and Routes: In Clans of Caledonia, players establish and expand their production networks by placing building tiles on the board. Routes are formed by reaching different types of terrain that offer resources such as wool, milk, grain and wood. Connecting your buildings efficiently maximizes production and facilitates geographical expansion.
  • Commodities speculation: The game has a dynamic market where commodity prices vary according to the law of supply and demand. Players can buy, sell and speculate on commodities to make a profit or fulfill contracts. Predicting market movements is essential to maximizing your monetary resources.
  • Players with Different Skills: Each player controls a unique Scottish clan, each with special abilities and advantages, affecting the overall strategy. Skills can include reduced prices for certain resources or increased production, forcing players to adapt their strategies to the clan they control.
  • Modular tray: The game board is made up of several modular pieces, allowing for different configurations in each game. This ensures variability and new challenges, as the terrain and resources available change as the board is set up, encouraging new strategic approaches in each game.
  • Contracts: Players can accept contracts that require them to deliver certain resources in exchange for victory points and additional benefits. Fulfilling contracts efficiently is crucial, as they are one of the main ways to score points throughout the game, as well as boosting other actions.
  • Market: It functions as a space for direct interaction between players, as the purchases and sales made directly affect commodity prices. Players must carefully plan their market transactions in order to acquire goods cheaply and sell them profitably.
  • Solo: Clans of Caledonia offers a solo game variant, where a player competes against an "automata" controlled by the game. This mode keeps the player involved in strategic decisions and allows them to practice and test different approaches without the presence of human opponents.
  • Shift order: Passing order: The order of turns changes depending on who passes first in a round. The first player to pass becomes the first to play in the next round, which adds a strategic layer of deciding when to end your actions in a round to ensure the advantage of playing first in the next.

Game components Caledonian clans

See all the items in the game below Caledonian clans:

  • 4 map modules
  • 1 export tray
  • 1 rulebook
  • 4 individual trays
  • 50 pieces of export contract
  • 16 plantations
  • 9 clan pieces
  • 4 glory markers
  • 1 market tray
  • 4 pieces of glory
  • 28 merchants
  • 70 coins
  • 9 pieces of port
  • 4 merchant fleet markers
  • 16 cows
  • 9 scoring pieces
  • 12 pieces of product
  • 32 workers
  • 2 data
  • 4 turn order markers
  • 4 player consultations
  • 14 wools
  • 10 cheeses
  • 10 loaves
  • 4 pieces of crate
  • 6 transparent markers on the market
  • 10 milks
  • 10 whiskeys
  • 16 bakers
  • 16 cheese factories
  • 16 distilleries
  • Algodão
  • Tabaco
  • Cana-de-açúcar
  • 4 personal trays
  • 9 starter pieces
  • 16 sheep
  • 1 scoring sheet block
  • 16 port bonus merchants

Additional Information
