Chronicles of Drunagor: Age of Darkness

**Chronicles of Drunagor: Age of Darkness** transports players to a world of magic and conflict where the struggle between light and darkness reaches its peak. Set in a land marked by rivalries and disputes, the game takes place against a backdrop where the discovery of magic has not only transformed the landscape, but also forged the destinies of heroes and villains. In this fully cooperative board game, one to five players come together to face challenges in a tense and strategic atmosphere. Each game takes place in unique 3D scenarios, which can be played on their own or linked together in a continuous narrative. Players must work together to overcome obstacles, confront enemies and achieve the specific objectives of each mission, while the shadow of ancient evil looms large. The game mechanics prioritize cooperation, where the order of activation is determined by an initiative track, alternating between heroes, terrifying beasts and the all-consuming darkness itself. The rounds are intense and full of strategic decisions, since a mistake can be costly: defeat can be determined by the downfall of a hero or the merciless corruption of the dark power. **Chronicles of Drunagor: Age of Darkness** is not just a game; it's a challenging journey where every choice can alter the fate of the land. Players must band together and use their skills intelligently to ensure that the glimmer of hope prevails over the impending Age of Darkness.

Age 12 + 120 min 1 to 5 players

Artists: Marcelo Bastos; Eduardo Cavalcante

Designers: Daniel Alves; Eurico Cunha Neto

Date: 2021

Note: 7.6

Mechanics: Critical Hits and Misses, Scenario / Mission / Campaign, Cooperative, Players with Different Skills, Team play, Storytelling, Data Scrolling, RPG, Modular tray

Topics: Fantasy, Medieval

Table of Contents
- How to Play
- Tips for playing
- Game mechanics
- Game components
- Additional Information

How to play Chronicles of Drunagor: Age of Darkness

Choose a scenario and prepare the board according to the instructions in the mission book. Each scenario has a unique configuration.

Distribute the characters. Each player selects a hero. There are several classes and each has different abilities that should be considered when assembling your team.

Set up the Hero board. Place the status markers and prepare the skill cards as required for the chosen character.

At the start of your turn, activate your hero. You can move, attack, use special abilities or interact with the environment as permitted by the scenario.

Roll the dice to attack or defend. This adds an element of luck to the battles, so strategy and luck go hand in hand.

Manage resources and action points prudently. They are essential for using powerful skills or performing additional actions during your turn.

Resolve all the effects in the environment. Some areas of the board have special effects that must be taken into account at the end of each turn.

Follow the instructions in the scenario to complete the mission. These may include defeating specific enemies, reaching certain locations or collecting items.

Collaborate with other players. Teamwork is crucial to overcoming greater challenges, facing strong enemies and exploring the environment efficiently.

Use the heroes' abilities to create synergy. Combining spells, skills and tactics is essential to maximize the group's potential.

Main objective

Chronicles of Drunagor: Age of Darkness is a cooperative board game of adventure and exploration, where players take on the role of heroes who must join forces to confront the forces of darkness that threaten the world of Drunagor. The main objective is to complete quests, defeat enemies, overcome challenges and stop the darkness from consuming everything, using strategy, teamwork and the characters' unique abilities to progress through a dynamic and immersive campaign.

Tips for playing Chronicles of Drunagor: Age of Darkness

Here are some tips for doing better in the game Chronicles of Drunagor: Age of Darkness:

  • Carefully study each hero's abilities to maximize their synergies in battle.
  • Strike the right balance between attacking and defending to avoid being overwhelmed by enemies.
  • Use items and special abilities efficiently at critical moments to turn the game in your favor.
  • Explore each area thoroughly to find essential resources and secrets.
  • Carefully manage the light level of the board to prevent enemies from becoming more powerful.
  • Think twice before opening doors or chests, as they can trigger new challenges.
  • Choose wisely when to advance or retreat during a mission.
  • Collaborate with your group to make strategic decisions and share resources.
  • Keep track of the clock, as time is limited and affects the difficulty of the game.
  • Prioritize the elimination of enemies that have group control abilities or that reinforce other monsters.

Video about the game

Mechanics of Chronicles of Drunagor: Age of Darkness

  • Cooperative: Here, all the players work together against the game environment. Collective strategies are essential, as success depends on cooperation and synergy between the characters' skills.
  • Rolling dice: Dice are used to determine the success or failure of players' actions, such as combats or skill tests. Different dice can influence the results and add an element of luck to the game.
  • Players with Different Skills: Each player character has unique abilities that can be used strategically to face specific challenges, allowing for the customization of combat and problem-solving strategies.
  • Team play: Victory requires players to combine their strengths and skills. Dividing tasks and supporting each other during missions is crucial to overcoming obstacles.
  • Storytelling: The game is guided by an immersive narrative, where players' choices influence the course of the story, providing an immersive and dynamic experience.
  • RPG: RPG elements are incorporated, allowing characters to evolve through experience, as well as offering customization options and the search for better equipment and skills.
  • Modular tray: The board is made up of modular pieces, allowing for different configurations and different maps for each game, increasing replayability and keeping the experience fresh.
  • Scenario / Mission / Campaign: The game is structured in campaigns made up of multiple missions, each with specific objectives, which are interwoven into a larger plot, offering a sense of progression and continuity.
  • Critical Hits and Misses: Some dice rolls can result in critical hits or misses, which can multiply damage or cause additional effects, introducing an element of risk and reward into actions.

Game components Chronicles of Drunagor: Age of Darkness

See all the items in the game below Chronicles of Drunagor: Age of Darkness:

  • 31 Character Figures
  • 1 D20 dice
  • 18 Treasure Cards
  • 84 Equipment Cards
  • 5 Initial Action Cards
  • 13 Mission Letters
  • 5 Letters from the Undead Sovereign
  • 20 Profession Skill Cards
  • 2 Adventure Maps
  • 3 Evolution Cards
  • 22 Power Cards
  • 15 Function Cards
  • 1 Campaign Diary
  • 55 Hinged Doors
  • 1 Rulebook
  • 1 Missions Book
  • 45 Rune Markers
  • 45 Large Geometric Shadow Pieces
  • 30 Small Shadow Pieces
  • 16 colored coasters
  • 226 Action Cubes
  • 1 Action Order Track
  • 41 Adventure Maps
  • 5 Plastic Dungeon Trays
  • 1 Monster Condition Board + Boss
  • 1 Monster Camp and Condition Board
  • 5 Hero tokens
  • 3 rune cards

Additional Information
