Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game

Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game transports players to the tense and exciting universe of the TV series. Each player takes on the role of one of the iconic characters, who are divided into four groups: Political Leader, Military Leader, Pilot and Support. In the game, everyone is a member of the Battlestar Galactica crew, fighting together for the survival of humanity. The main challenge comes from the constant threat of the Cylons, who may be infiltrating the players without anyone knowing for sure who they are. This internal intrigue creates a climate of mistrust as the players try to achieve their goals and keep the ship running. With strategic decisions, collaboration and a few pinches of betrayal, the game encapsulates the emotions of the series, where alliances are forged and broken, and the line between friend and foe is often blurred. Players must work together to navigate the dangers of space and stop the Cylons from preventing them from reaching the planet Kobol.

Age 10 + 180 min 3 to 6 players

Artists: Kevin Childress; Corey Konieczka

Designers: Corey Konieczka;

Date: 2008

Note: 8.4

Mechanics: Bets and bluffs, Cooperative, Deduction, Hand Management, Players with Different Skills, Team play, Negotiation, Data Scrolling, Voting

Topics: Pop or Geek Culture, Science Fiction, War

Table of Contents
- How to Play
- Tips for playing
- Game mechanics
- Game components
- Additional Information


The main objective of "Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game" is to survive and guide the human fleet to Earth, while facing alien threats and possible traitors within the group. Players take on the roles of characters from the series, cooperating to navigate challenges and manage critical resources such as fuel and food, while trying to identify and neutralize infiltrating Cylon agents whose mission is to sabotage the human fleet.

Tips for playing

Here are some tips for doing better in the game Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game:

  • Be wary of suspicious actions by other players, even if they seem to be helping.
  • Manage resources efficiently, especially fuel and food.
  • Make good use of skill cards to maximize your contribution in crises.
  • Protect Galactica from Cylon attacks by keeping defenses prioritized.
  • Pay attention to the positioning of civilian ships, they are crucial for human survival.
  • Explore the options for leadership titles and how best to use them.
  • Keep morale high; without it, the team can quickly fall into despair.
  • Watch out for the brigade; once there, your options are limited.
  • Use the Pegasus Starbase for strategic advantage when possible.
  • Be alert to the possibility of internal sabotage; reveal Cylon when necessary to maximize the impact.
  • Weigh up the risks of jumping early to escape a critical situation.
  • Make sure the combat boats are ready to intercept enemy ships.

Video about the game

GAME mechanics

  • Hand Management: Players have skill cards in their hands, which are used for various actions, such as resolving crises and fighting enemies. Managing these cards is crucial, as certain actions require specific skills. Deciding when to use or keep cards is essential for the group's survival.
  • Players with Different Skills: Each player chooses a character with unique abilities. These skills determine the skill cards received and influence the actions available. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of each character helps to form a balanced team.
  • Team play: The game is predominantly cooperative, with all players working together to achieve common goals, such as managing resources and defending the fleet. However, the presence of infiltrating Cylons creates a dynamic of distrust and betrayal.
  • Vote: Used in tests of skill to resolve crises. All players contribute cards secretly and the combined total decides the success or failure of the test. Skill cards with mismatched colors harm the team, encouraging sabotage by Cylon spies.
  • Rolling dice: Necessary in many situations, especially in combat and crisis resolution. Data results can determine the success of military actions and the survival of the fleet. Strategies can be planned around the probabilities of the data.
  • Bets and bluffs: With the presence of hidden Cylons, bluffing and gambling become vital parts of strategy. Human players need to discern genuine allies from saboteurs, while the Cylons try to conceal their true intentions until the opportune moment.
  • Deduction: Essential for identifying infiltrating Cylons. Players must observe suspicious behavior and questionable decisions to deduce who is working against the fleet. It's a constant game of analysis and suspicion.
  • Negotiation: Crucial for cooperation within the group. Players need to discuss and decide collectively on the use of scarce resources, defense planning and strategic actions. Negotiation skills can prevent internal crises within the group.
  • Cooperative: Although the game involves hidden opponents, the general premise is one of cooperation. Working together is key to facing external threats and maintaining the fleet's resources. Victory depends on how effectively players cooperate, even under the shadow of betrayal.

Game components

See all the items in the game below Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game:

  • 1 tray
  • 21 engineering skill cards
  • 10 identity cards
  • 32 plastic ships
  • 4 aircraft control markers
  • 1 active player marker
  • 12 ship civil markers
  • 2 Basestar ship markers
  • 10 character bookmarks
  • 4 Basestar markers
  • 70 crisis letters
  • 16 loyalty cards
  • 21 driving skill cards
  • 4 Cylon Centurion markers
  • 5 advanced crisis cards
  • 1 eight-sided die
  • 1 list of Kobol's goals
  • 4 Cylon heavy raiders
  • 10 plastic bases for the characters
  • 21 tactical skill cards
  • 21 political skill cards
  • 21 leadership skills cards
  • 8 Viper fighters
  • 4 Raptor ships
  • 2 nuclear weapons markers
  • 4 Basestar damage markers
  • 16 Cylon raiders
  • 22 cards of destiny
  • 4 plastic connectors for resource control
  • 1 rulebook

Additional Information

Other games
