Ca$h 'n Guns: Second Edition

In Ca$h 'n Guns: Second Edition, you enter the ruthless world of gangsters in a fierce dispute over the booty from a major robbery. After a successful robbery, the gang members gather in a warehouse to decide how to divide up the treasure: money, diamonds, works of art and other valuable items. But instead of a simple agreement, it takes courage and cunning, because trust is in short supply and betrayal is always lurking. With up to eight players, each takes on the identity of a gangster with unique special powers, ready to use strategies and bluffs in their moves. The boss of the round has the advantage of being immune, while the others arm themselves to ensure that their share of the robbery is as large as possible. Tensions rise as pistols are drawn and heated negotiations take place. Forget the "Bang Bang Bang!!!" cards from the previous edition; in this new version, the excitement is even greater, and the moves become more intense and dynamic. Ca$h 'n Guns: Second Edition provides laughs, moments of suspense and a delicious sense of camaraderie and rivalry, where the gangster who survives and gets the most treasure is the big winner. Do you have what it takes to come out on top?

Table of Contents
- How to Play
- Tips for playing
- Game mechanics
- Game components
- Additional Information

How to play Ca$h 'n Guns: Second Edition

Choose a character and take their token, 8 Bang! cards and 1 Click card, a foam gun and 5 bullet markers.

Place the pile of notes in the center of the table and deal out the wound cards face down. Designate a Capo, who will be the boss of the initial round.

The round begins with everyone choosing a Bang! or Click card and placing it face down. The Capo starts counting "1, 2, 3" and everyone points their guns at the other players.

Players have the option of cowering or standing their ground. If someone cowers, they put down their weapon and don't take part in the shooting, but they also receive a wound card.

The continuing players reveal their cards simultaneously. Bang! causes the target to receive a wound card. Click deals no damage.

After the shootout, the remaining players take parts of the available loot. The division of the loot is done by the Capo, who gives the first item to the player of his choice.

The game continues until a player dies from three wound cards or all the drawing rounds have been played. The winner is the one with the most money at the end.

Main objective

The main objective of the game **Ca$h 'n Guns: Second Edition** is to simulate a scenario of dividing the spoils between gangsters after a major robbery, where players need to aim foam guns at each other to intimidate, negotiate and bluff in order to accumulate the most money possible at the end of eight rounds; the player who manages to accumulate the most money by outwitting opponents through persuasion tactics and survival strategies is declared the winner.

Tips for playing Ca$h 'n Guns: Second Edition

Here are some tips for doing better in the game Ca$h 'n Guns: Second Edition:

  • Observe players' behavior carefully to identify bluffs.
  • Keep a balance between being aggressive and cooperative so that you don't become a constant target.
  • Prioritize eliminating players with more money when possible to increase your chances of winning.
  • Manage your real and bluff bullets to maximize your impact at critical moments.
  • Remember that sometimes retreating can be a better strategy for staying in the game in the long term.
  • Use temporary alliances to eliminate bigger threats, but always bear in mind that they are temporary.
  • Pay attention to the special power cards and use them strategically to turn the game in your favor.

Video about the game

Mechanics of Ca$h 'n Guns: Second Edition

  • Simultaneous Action Selection: All players choose their actions at the same time, without knowing what the others have chosen. This is done by choosing bullet cards, which are revealed simultaneously to determine the results of confrontations.
  • Elimination of players: During the game, players can be eliminated if they receive three or more wounds. This happens when a player can't escape a firefight or doesn't have enough protection cards.
  • Players with Different Skills: Each player takes on the role of a character with unique special abilities, which can be used during the game to gain an advantage over your opponents or protect yourself from attacks.
  • Take that: The central mechanic of aiming weapons works like a "take that" system, where players choose their targets on sight, generating tension and direct confrontations between them.
  • Bets and bluffs: Players need to decide when they are bluffing by using festoon bullet cards versus real ones, trying to deceive opponents about their true intentions during the gunfight.
  • Negotiation: The game allows for informal negotiations between players, seeking to form temporary alliances or convincing others to change their targets to avoid personal damage.
  • Campaign / Card-driven battles: Matches and results are determined by the strategic and tactical use of the cards in the players' hands, directly influencing the course of the game with different types of bullets.
  • Collecting Sets: Players compete to gather the most loot, collecting sets of items during the game to maximize their winnings and victory points.
  • Push your luck: Players can choose to continue in a firefight for greater rewards, at the risk of being wounded, simulating the adrenaline rush of high-risk opportunities.
  • Hand Management: Players carefully manage their hand of cards, deciding which ones to use each round to keep strategic options available throughout the game.
  • Secret Positioning: Weapon targeting is done secretly before revealing and resolving the gunfights, relying on memory and perception to choose the best targets for each round.

Game components Ca$h 'n Guns: Second Edition

See all the items in the game below Ca$h 'n Guns: Second Edition:

  • Instruction manual
  • 8 Rubber Weapons
  • 18 Injury Tokens
  • 1 New Leader/First Player marker
  • 1 Chef's table
  • 1 Diamond Bonus
  • 9 Plastic holders
  • 8 Playable Characters
  • 16 Skill Cards
  • 64 Ammunition Cards, distributed as follows:
    • 40 Clic Cards
    • 24 Bang!
  • 64 Stolen Item Cards, including:
    • 15 $5,000 notes
    • 15 $10,000 notes
    • 10 $20,000 notes
    • 9 Diamonds (5 for $1,000, 3 for $5,000 and 1 for $10,000)
    • 10 Valuable Paintings
    • 3 ammunition cartridges
    • 2 Emergency Kits

Additional Information
