Cobra Paw

Cobra Paw is a dynamic and fast-paced game in which players need to be alert and quick. Each round, the dice are rolled and show a variety of different symbols. Participants must then rush to grab the corresponding piece in the center of the table. Speed and observation are essential, as those who fail to be the most agile could be left behind. The aim is to be the first to collect six pieces, thus guaranteeing victory. Get ready for lots of fun and intense competition!

Age 5 + 15 min 2 to 6 players

Artists: ;

Designers: Derek Weston;

Date: 2017

Note: 6.1

Mechanics: Pattern Recognition, Real Time

Table of Contents
- How to Play
- Tips for playing
- Game mechanics
- Game components
- Additional Information

How to play Cobra Paw

Cobra Paw is a game of visual agility and quick reflexes. To get started, gather 2 to 6 players and arrange the pieces in a circle.

Each piece has two different symbols. Each round, a player rolls two dice containing the same symbols as the pieces.

As soon as the dice stop, all players compete to find and claim the piece that matches the symbols on the dice. To get the piece, tap it quickly with one finger.

The claimed piece is added to your collection, and the next player rolls the dice. The first player to collect six pieces wins the game.

Be aware that other people can take a piece of your collection if the dice show the corresponding symbols!

Main objective

The main objective of the Cobra Paw game is to be the first to identify and capture the stone with the symbol corresponding to the result of the dice, using quick reflexes and agility. Players alternate rolling two dice that display symbols, and everyone must compete simultaneously to locate and catch the stone with the same symbols shown, promoting an atmosphere of racing and keen observation.

Tips for playing Cobra Paw

Here are some tips for doing better in the game Cobra Paw:

  • Keeping an eye on the pieces your opponents pick up can help you predict which ones they'll want in the next round.
  • Stay calm and focused; speed is important, but hasty movements can lead to mistakes.
  • Try to memorize the pieces that have already come out, this makes it easier to quickly identify the remaining pieces in the center.
  • Vary your strategy as the game progresses; if one method isn't working, adjust your approach.
  • Use the shout "Kiai!" to scare or distract your opponents, but always keep your focus on the board.

Video about the game

Mechanics of Cobra Paw

  • Pattern Recognition (Dojos de Manifestations): In Cobra Paw, players must quickly identify tiles with specific symbols that match the results of the dice rolled. Each tile has a unique combination of two symbols, and players must locate the one that exactly matches the symbols shown on the dice. This ability to recognize patterns quickly is crucial to capturing the tile before your opponents do.
  • Real Time (Lightning Match): The game takes place in real time, i.e. there are no turns. All players act simultaneously to capture the correct tile as quickly as possible. This mechanic increases the intensity and competitiveness, requiring not only immediate pattern recognition, but also agility to catch the tile. The game continues in real time until someone wins by reaching the set number of tiles captured.

Game components Cobra Paw

See all the items in the game below Cobra Paw:

  • Garras
  • Pedras
  • Play mat
  • Challenge Cards
  • Objetos
  • Storage box

Additional Information
