Two Rooms and a Boom

In Two Rooms and a Boom, a dynamic game of social interaction, players are divided into two teams: the red team and the blue team. The blue team has a President, while the red team has a member carrying a bomb. The participants are dispersed in two different environments, where their identities remain secret. The game takes place over five rounds of time-limited discussions, allowing the players to try to discover each other's identities and form alliances. At the end of each round, some players are swapped between rooms. The objective is strategic: if the red team's bomb finds the blue team's President at the end of the time limit, the red team prevails; if not, victory goes to the blue team.

Age 8 + 15 min 6 to 30 players

Artists: ;

Designers: Alan Gerding; Sean McCoy

Date: 2013

Note: 6.6

Mechanics: Atuação/Mímica, Players with Different Skills, Team play, Timed Start, Voting

Topics: Police

Table of Contents
- How to Play
- Tips for playing
- Game mechanics
- Game components
- Additional Information

How to play Two Rooms and a Boom

Divide the players into two equal groups and place each group in a separate room.

Choose a leader in each room by vote or at random at the start of each round.

Hand out character cards to the players. The teams are Red and Blue, and there are special characters like the President and the Bomber.

The match is made up of several rounds, usually three to five, of decreasing length.

In each round, the leaders negotiate hostages to change rooms. The Blue team's goal is to keep the President away from the Red team's Bomber.

Players can share their identities or not. Strategy and negotiation are crucial in this part of the game.

After the last round, reveal the identity of the characters. If the President is in the same room as the Bomber, the Red team wins; otherwise, the Blue team wins.

Main objective

The main objective of the game Two Rooms and a Boom is to divide players into two teams, red and blue, and achieve each team's specific objectives over a series of rounds where players are distributed between two separate rooms. The blue team must ensure the president's safety, while the red team tries to place the assassin in the same room as the president at the end of the game. Players swap rooms and negotiate information to achieve their goals, using skills of persuasion and strategy.

Tips for playing Two Rooms and a Boom

Here are some tips for doing better in the game Two Rooms and a Boom:

  • Maintain fast and effective communication between the two rooms to plan strategies quickly.
  • When you change rooms, take the opportunity to get subtle information about who is in which team.
  • Develop secret signals or codes to communicate with your team without generating suspicion.
  • If you're the leader, observe the players' behavior to identify allies and enemies.
  • As president, avoid revealing your identity early on, but find out who's on your team.
  • The doctors must desperately try to save the president, while being discreet about their true objectives.
  • Spread false information strategically to confuse the opposing team.
  • Be wary of attempts to negotiate between rooms, they can be traps.
  • Time is crucial; keep an eye on the passing minutes to avoid surprises at the last second.
  • Consider using less suspicious players or those with less prominent roles as information scouts.

Video about the game

Mechanics of Two Rooms and a Boom

  • Players with Different Skills: In Two Rooms and a Boom, each player receives a character card that defines their specific abilities and objectives. In addition to the main characters, such as the President and the Bomber, there are several others with unique abilities that can influence the game in different ways, such as altering the information available or impacting the teams' strategy.
  • Team play: Players are divided into two teams: the Blue team, whose main objective is to protect the President, and the Red team, which aims to blow up the Bomber in the same room as the President at the end of the game. Collaboration within the teams is essential, as players must work together to identify members and fulfill their objectives despite being in separate rooms.
  • Votação: In each round, both rooms vote to elect a Leader. The Leader has the power to choose players to switch rooms at the end of the round, a crucial element that determines whether players can maintain or change the status quo, as well as influencing each team's ability to complete their objectives.
  • Atuação/Mímica: During the game, communication is limited and players often have to be creative to pass on information without explicitly revealing their cards, using mimicry or acting to give hints about their true identities or abilities without directly compromising their intentions.
  • Timed start: The game consists of a fixed number of rounds, each with a limited amount of time. The first rounds are longer and allow for more information exchange, while the final rounds accelerate decision-making, increasing tension and urgency as the game approaches its explosive climax. Time management is crucial, as teams need to optimize communication and room exchanges within the time available.

Game components Two Rooms and a Boom

See all the items in the game below Two Rooms and a Boom:

  • Character cards
  • Confiáveis
  • Explosivos
  • Leadership Letter
  • Discussion Shifts
  • Red Room
  • Blue Room
  • Mission letters

Additional Information
