Tavern Tales: Legends of Dungeon Drop

After a journey full of challenges, you return to the Traveler's Tavern, where the flames in the fireplace dance as stories of adventure and bravery are exchanged. In Tavern Tales: Legends of Dungeon Drop, you and your friends have the opportunity to recount your exploits, seeking the glory and recognition that comes with each heroic tale. This card game features an intriguing mix of strategy and bluffing, where 2 to 5 players compete to become the kingdom's most memorable legends. By collecting cards, you will put together your narrative, using cunning and wit to outwit your opponents and win the admiration of the mob. Get ready for a night full of laughter, competition and the best adventure stories the Tavern has to offer!

Age 8 + 30 min 2 to 5 players

Artists: Gong Studios;

Designers: Gregory Skulnick;

Date: 2021

Note:  -

Mechanics: Bets and bluffs, Collecting Sets, Deduction, Push your luck, Hand Management, Players with Different Skills, Auction / Bidding

Table of Contents
- How to Play
- Tips for playing
- Game mechanics
- Game components
- Additional Information

How to play Tavern Tales: Legends of Dungeon Drop

At the start, players choose their heroes, each with unique abilities. Combine skills to improve your chances of success in missions.

Plan your moves taking into account the layout of obstacles and enemies. Interaction with the environment is crucial to success.

Collect resources scattered around the board, they are essential for strengthening your character and facing them in future battles.

Communication is key if you're playing in a group. Coordinate strategies to face the toughest challenges.

Advance carefully through the dungeons. Each new level brings greater dangers, but also valuable rewards.

Manage your inventory efficiently. Knowing when to use an item or reserve it for later can be the difference between victory and defeat.

Always be aware of the game's winning conditions, which can vary and require different strategic approaches.

Practice makes perfect. Familiarity with the characters and their powers will allow you to play more creatively and efficiently.

Main objective

Tavern Tales: Legends of Dungeon Drop is a strategy card game whose main objective is to gather a group of heroes and guide them through dungeons to defeat monsters, collect treasures and complete quests. Players compete against each other to accumulate more glory points by facing challenges and managing their resources effectively, using skills and equipment acquired throughout the game to overcome opponents and achieve victory.

Tips for playing Tavern Tales: Legends of Dungeon Drop

Here are some tips for doing better in the game Tavern Tales: Legends of Dungeon Drop:

  • Invest in skills that increase survival and adaptation to scenarios, such as improved defense and keen perception.
  • Work as a team. Efficient communication with your teammates can make the difference in tough battles.
  • Learn to use the items in your inventory strategically, especially in boss battles.
  • Think before you act. By exploring the environment carefully, you can find shortcuts or hidden treasures.
  • Adapt your equipment choices according to the needs of the mission, varying between defense, attack and support.

Video about the game

Mechanics of Tavern Tales: Legends of Dungeon Drop

  • Bets and bluffs: In Tavern Tales, players take part in rounds of betting, placing chips to challenge each other. Bluffing is essential to deceive opponents about the strength of their cards or the intent of their moves. Controlling information is crucial to gaining the upper hand.
  • Collecting Sets: Players must form sets of cards of the same type or theme, accumulating points at the end of the game. Strategies involve deciding which cards to keep or exchange to complete sets that will maximize your score.
  • Deduction: During the game, deducing your opponents' cards and moves can guide your choices. Carefully observing players' actions gives you valuable clues about their hands, allowing you to make more informed decisions.
  • Push your luck: Players face risky decisions at critical moments in the game, choosing between playing it safe or risking it for greater rewards. This mechanic adds tension and heightens the drama in each round.
  • Hand Management: Deciding which cards to keep or discard is vital to building advantageous hands that align with your overall strategy. Efficient hand management can be the difference between victory and defeat.
  • Players with Different Skills: Each player can take on a character with unique abilities that affect the course of the game. These skills influence individual strategy and promote tactical diversity during the match.
  • Auction / Bidding: Valuable items and cards are fought over in auctions, where players bid secretly or openly. Deciding how much to bid is an exercise in calculating risk and reward value, and has a profound influence on the formation of your hand.

Game components Tavern Tales: Legends of Dungeon Drop

See all the items in the game below Tavern Tales: Legends of Dungeon Drop:

  • Character cards
  • Destination data
  • Adventure Figures
  • Quest board
  • Pieces of Power
  • Progress Markers
  • Event Cards
  • Magic Items

Additional Information
