DCeased: A Zombicide Game

Protect the last survivors of the zombie epidemic in the DC universe in DCeased: A Zombicide Game! In this game, a devastating virus has infected heroes and villains alike, turning them into bloodthirsty zombies. The iconic figures of the Justice League, now corrupted, become mortal enemies, while old rivalries intensify amidst the chaos. Start your mission with a team of uninfected superheroes and take on hordes of zombies in exciting and strategic battles. DCeased: A Zombicide Game is a cooperative game for 1 to 6 players, where each takes on the role of an iconic hero, developing skills and overcoming challenges as the zombies close in. The aim is to complete Mission Objectives, defeat enemies and save survivors in the midst of the apocalypse. With each zombie eliminated, you gain experience to strengthen your hero, but beware: the more power you accumulate, the greater the pressure from the undead hordes! By joining forces and seeking synergy between your powers, only together will you be able to combat the threat of the Anti-Life and restore hope to the world!

Age 14 + 60 min 1 to 6 players

Artists: Henning Ludvigsen;

Designers: Michael Shinall;

Date: 2025

Note:  -

Mechanics: Scenario / Mission / Campaign, Cooperative, Players with Different Skills, Data Scrolling, Solo, Modular tray

Topics: Pop or Geek Culture, Horror/Terror, Comics

Table of Contents
- How to Play
- Tips for playing
- Game mechanics
- Game components
- Additional Information

How to play DCeased: A Zombicide Game

To get started, choose a DCeased hero. Each hero has unique abilities that can be used to fight hordes of zombies.

Set up the board according to the scenario chosen in the game manual. Follow the placement instructions for objective tokens, enemies and special elements.

Players take turns performing actions such as moving, attacking, interacting and performing special abilities. Plan your moves to maximize the effect of each character's actions.

Fight the hordes of zombies using special weapons and powers. Roll the dice to determine the success of your attack and defense actions.

Complete the objectives in the scenario to win. This may involve rescuing survivors, destroying specific targets or surviving a set number of rounds.

Manage resources carefully, as ammunition, weapons and skills are limited. Use effective strategies to keep the heroes alive while facing ever-increasing threats.

Main objective

DCeased: A Zombicide Game is a cooperative board game where players take on the role of iconic DC Comics heroes to survive in a world taken over by a technorganic infection that turns humans and superhumans into the undead. The main objective of the game is to complete specific missions, which may include defeating infected villains, rescuing survivors or collecting resources, while avoiding or fighting hordes of zombies controlled by the game. Players must cooperate, using their characters' unique abilities, to face increasing threats and achieve the objectives of each scenario before they are overpowered.

Tips for playing DCeased: A Zombicide Game

Here are some tips for doing better in the game DCeased: A Zombicide Game:

  • Focus on team survival; cooperation is crucial to overcoming hordes of zombies.
  • Take advantage of the characters' unique abilities; use them strategically depending on the situation.
  • Manage resources well; keep a balance between weapons and essential items.
  • Accomplish the objectives of the scenario quickly; wasting time can be fatal.
  • Keep an eye out for danger zones; avoid being cornered by zombies.
  • Always keep an escape route; have contingency plans ready.
  • Prioritize eliminating enemies that pose a greater risk, such as the fastest or strongest.
  • Use the terrain and environment to your advantage; barricades can provide temporary cover.
  • Communicate constantly with your team; information is vital for strategy.

Video about the game

Mechanics of DCeased: A Zombicide Game

  • Data Scrolling: The dice determine the success or failure of the characters' actions. Each action, such as attacking or moving, depends on a specific roll that must meet or exceed a certain value to be successful. Modifiers can be applied depending on the character's skills or equipment.
  • Scenario / Mission / Campaign: The game is structured in scenarios that form missions and campaigns. Each scenario has specific objectives that players must complete. Campaigns offer a continuous narrative, where the success or failure of a mission can impact on subsequent missions. The game's events are guided by event cards that alter the scenario.
  • Cooperative: Players work together to fulfill the game's objectives. They must coordinate their actions, share resources and protect each other from enemies. Communication and strategic planning are essential for the team's success.
  • Players with Different Skills: Each player controls a character with unique abilities. These skills offer specific advantages in combat, movement or support, allowing players to take on different roles within the team. The strategic choice of complementary skills is crucial to overcoming challenges.
  • Solo: The game can be played by a single player who controls several characters. The rules do not change significantly, but the player must manage all actions and strategies alone, increasing the level of challenge and the need for quick and effective decision-making.
  • Modular tray: The board is made up of modular pieces that can be rearranged to create different game scenarios. This offers great replayability, allowing unique and challenging configurations for each match, reflecting the progression of the campaign and the dynamic environment of the game.

Game components DCeased: A Zombicide Game

See all the items in the game below DCeased: A Zombicide Game:

  • 01 rulebook
  • 130 cards
  • 06 data
  • 85 collectible figures
  • 06 plastic panels
  • 12 cube markers
  • 06 colored bases
  • 09 double-sided trays
  • 60 chips
  • 09 Superhero Cards
  • 09 Zombie Hero Cards
  • 65 EXCLUSIVE miniatures from Kickstarter, with their cards
  • Exclusive Kryptonian Enemy pack, including:
    • 02 exclusive Zombie Hero Cards (Superman/Supergirl)
    • 05 exclusive Action Cards (Kryptonian Powers)
    • 06 exclusive special equipment cards

Additional Information
