Dragon Tides

Dragon Tides is an exciting card game that transports players to a fantasy world full of dragons and mysticism. In it, participants take on the role of heroes who must join forces to confront an ancient threat that has resurfaced in the lands of Ashara. Players, from 1 to 5, will be able to choose between different characters, each with their own unique abilities and stories, as they explore enchanted realms and unravel mysteries. The plot revolves around the search for magical artifacts that, if gathered together, can once again seal away the evil dragons that once ravaged the world. Throughout the game, players face varied challenges through engaging game mechanics, where strategic decisions will be crucial to overcoming exuberant enemies and treacherous traps. The card system allows each action to have a significant impact on the narrative, creating a dynamic experience full of twists and turns. Dragon Tides is not only a fight against the forces of evil, but also a journey of growth and discovery, where collaboration between players will be key to success in your mission. Get ready to dive into an epic adventure full of dragons, sorcery and great heroics!

Age 13 + 60 min 1 to 5 players

Table of Contents
- How to Play
- Tips for playing
- Game mechanics
- Game components
- Additional Information

How to play Dragon Tides

To play Dragon Tides, start by selecting your heroes. Each hero has unique special abilities that are useful in different situations. Strategically plan who to take on each mission.

During the game, use action cards to move, attack enemies or perform special actions. Manage these cards well, as they are limited per turn. Coordinate attacks with allies to maximize the damage dealt to enemies.

Each scenario has specific objectives that need to be completed in order to advance in the narrative. Focus on these goals to ensure progress in the game. Sometimes avoiding direct combat and looking for alternative solutions can be more effective.

Interaction between characters brings additional advantages, so explore these combinations. Pay attention to the details on the board and use the environment to your advantage.

Finally, remember to equip your heroes properly before missions using the available equipment, which can improve their abilities and offer new strategies for overcoming challenges. Good luck!

Main objective

Dragon Tides is a cooperative board game that seeks to capture the emotion of martial arts films, allowing players to take on the roles of characters inspired by Bruce Lee and other icons of the genre; the main objective is to complete a series of narrative missions, facing enemies and overcoming challenges in diverse scenarios to defeat a criminal organization, promoting teamwork and strategic decision-making.

Tips for playing Dragon Tides

Here are some tips for doing better in the game Dragon Tides:

  • Study the game manual before playing to fully understand the rules and the characters' abilities.
  • Use the terrain strategically to gain an advantage over your enemies.
  • Team communication is essential for coordinating effective attacks and defenses.
  • Take advantage of the characters' unique abilities to overcome specific challenges.
  • Manage your resources well so you don't run out of critical options during combat.
  • Never underestimate the value of teamwork and group synergy.
  • Vary your strategies according to the type of opponent you face.
  • Always be aware of the shift's initiative in order to plan your actions in advance.

Video about the game

Mechanics of Dragon Tides

  • Hand Management: In Dragon Tides, players have a set of cards that represent their abilities, attacks and defenses. The cards in the hand must be used strategically to maximize combat potential and overcome challenges. Efficient hand management is essential to maintain versatility and adapt as the game develops.
  • Placement of parts: Players use pieces to represent characters and objectives on the board. The strategic placement of these pieces can define areas of control, block opponents or open up new paths, directly impacting the dynamics of the game.
  • Deck building: During the game, players have the opportunity to improve their personal decks by adding more powerful cards. This allows them to customize their style of play and emphasize certain strategies, such as increasing their offense or improving their defense.
  • Bags and parts: Dragon Tides uses a mechanic where tokens or pieces are drawn from a bag to determine random events, acquired resources or modifiers that influence the game. This adds an element of surprise and requires quick adaptation to emerging situations.
  • Cooperative: Players work together to face challenges and enemies controlled by the game. Cooperation is key to sharing tasks, combining skills and overcoming obstacles that would be impossible individually.
  • Team play: Structurally similar to cooperative mechanics, but with teams competing against each other. Each team must coordinate its members in order to achieve specific objectives and overcome the opposing team.
  • Movement in Grids: The board is divided into a grid of squares that determines the movement of the characters. Each move is limited by rules that take into account the terrain, the characters' special abilities and strategic positioning.
  • Rolling dice: Players' actions, such as attacks or defenses, are resolved by rolling dice, introducing elements of luck and risk. Different faces of the dice can represent successes, failures or special effects, influencing the course of the turns.
  • Action Points: Players have a limited number of action points per turn, which can be spent to perform various actions, such as moving, attacking or activating special abilities. Planning action points is crucial to optimizing each turn.
  • Bets and bluffs: In certain situations, players can gamble resources or bluff about their true intentions to manipulate opponents and create psychological advantages. This adds a layer of intrigue and uncertainty, requiring careful reading of opponents.

Game components Dragon Tides

See all the items in the game below Dragon Tides:

  • Adventure Cards
  • Rings of Power
  • Pieces of Treasure
  • Navigation tray
  • Resource Bookmarks
  • Character Figures
  • Combat data
  • Event Cards

Additional Information
