The Fox in the Forest

The Fox in the Forest is a strategic card game for two players, where the cunning and wisdom of fairytale characters are key. Instead of a conventional deck, players use cards with special abilities that can influence the outcome of each round. Characters such as the Fox and the Witch offer unique advantages, allowing you to alter the flow of the game in unexpected ways. The aim is to win more tricks than your opponent, but be careful not to get carried away by excessive ambition. By winning too many tricks, you could end up becoming the villain of the story, as happens in many fairy tales. With an elegant combination of strategy and theme, The Fox in the Forest offers an immersive experience full of twists and turns in every game.

Age 10 + 30 min 2 players

Artists: Jennifer L. Meyer;

Designers: Joshua Buergel;

Date: 2017

Note: 7.1

Topics: Animals, Fantasy

Table of Contents
- How to Play
- Tips for playing
- Game mechanics
- Game components
- Additional Information

How to play The Fox in the Forest

Start by dealing 13 cards to each player. The remaining cards form the draw pile, with the top card face up determining the suit of the round.

The player who didn't deal the cards starts by playing any card from their hand. The opponent must follow suit, if possible. Otherwise, they can play a card of any suit. The highest card in the suit played first wins the round, unless the second player plays a higher trump.

The winner of the round starts the next one. When you win, it's important to plan the number of rounds you want to win, as the score varies according to the number of rounds won, rewarding both moderation and total control.

Pay attention to the special cards, such as the Fox (3), which allows you to change the trump card, and the Queen or Hermit, which have unique abilities that can change the course of the game. Use these abilities strategically to gain an advantage. Try to read your opponent's strategy and adapt your game as necessary.

At the end of all rounds, the score is calculated based on the rounds won, with additional bonuses for extreme wins. The player with the most points after several hands is the winner.

Main objective

The Fox in the Forest is a two-person card game whose main objective is to be the first to accumulate a certain number of points over the course of rounds by winning tricks (or tricks), but with one peculiarity: winning all the tricks isn't always the best strategy. The cards have values and some have special abilities that can be used strategically to manipulate the outcome of the rounds. The key to victory is to balance winning and losing tricks so as not to be greedy, avoiding penalties for winning too many and taking better advantage of the cards' abilities.

Tips for playing The Fox in the Forest

Here are some tips for doing better in the game The Fox in the Forest:

  • Look closely at your opponent's cards to deduce their strategies and adjust your moves accordingly.
  • Use character cards with special abilities at strategic moments to turn the game in your favor.
  • In most cases, avoid winning too many tricks; go for a moderate amount to get bonus points.
  • Pay attention to the main cards (trumps) and calculate when it's best to use them to gain an advantage.
  • Keep track of which cards have already been played to predict your opponent's next moves.

Video about the game

Mechanics of The Fox in the Forest

- Trick-taking: In The Fox in the Forest, the main mechanic is trick-taking, where players compete to win specific rounds called "tricks". Each player plays a card and the one who plays the highest value card in the round wins the trick. The aim is not just to win as many tricks as possible, but to balance the wins to maximize the final score. - Cards with Special Powers**: Certain cards in the game have special abilities that affect gameplay. For example, card number 1 (The Swan) allows the player who plays it to draw a card from the deck, providing a new strategy or hand adjustment. Card number 11 (The Fox) allows you to change the trump card, altering the course of the game. - Balanced Scoring System: The score at the end of each round is determined by how many tricks each player has won. Winning too many or too few tricks can be disadvantageous; there is a sweet spot that maximizes the score. For example, winning 7 to 9 tricks can offer a high score, but winning more than that results in penalties. - Trump suit**: At the start of each round, a card is revealed to determine the trump suit which is most powerful when comparing values. Players can try to manipulate the trump suit with the use of special cards, thus altering their strategies for winning tricks. - Hand Management: Players need to manage their cards strategically to control which tricks they win and lose. This includes considering which cards to play to optimize the use of the special powers and determining how they can manipulate the trump suit and the opponent's cards. - Two-player gameplay: The Fox in the Forest is exclusive to two players, which means that all the mechanics and strategies involve direct and constant interaction with a single opponent. Predicting moves and reading your opponent's patterns become essential. - Strategic Interactivity Knowledge of the cards that have already been played adds a layer of strategic memory. Experienced players pay attention to discarded cards to predict which cards their opponent might have, planning their future moves accordingly. These are the main mechanics that define The Fox in the Forest game and create a strategic trick-taking experience with a touch of fantasy and special powers.

Game components The Fox in the Forest

See all the items in the game below The Fox in the Forest:

  • 33 Playing Cards
  • 2 Guide Cards
  • 17 Punctuation Markers

Additional Information
