Everdell Duo

In Everdell Duo, you embark on a strategic competition against an opponent or you can choose to collaborate with them in search of a higher score. In the game, you take on the role of leaders of your own magical cities in the forest, where you place workers to collect essential resources. The resources collected are used to play cards that represent creatures, buildings and events from the enchanted world of Everdell, and can be played either from your hand or from the meadow, the common area where cards are laid out face up. The game mechanics require you to use the sun and moon tokens to release cards from the meadow, making the positioning and timing of each move crucial. Matches are divided into four seasons, and with each game you have the opportunity to reach different events, which change as the match goes on, encouraging an adaptive approach to card selection and strategies. At the end, after calculating the scores, you find out who the big winner is or whether you have achieved the stipulated cooperative objectives.

Age 10 + 60 min 1 to 2 players

Artists: Enggar Adirasa; Andrew Bosley

Designers: James A. Wilson; Clarissa A. Wilson

Date: 2024

Note:  -

Mechanics: Allocation of workers, Collecting Sets, Open Buy, Contracts, Cooperative, Variable preparation, Income, Solo

Topics: Animals, Fantasy

Table of Contents
- How to Play
- Tips for playing
- Game mechanics
- Game components
- Additional Information

How to play Everdell Duo

Each player in Everdell Duo has their own city board and shares the central Everdell city board. The aim is to build a prosperous city by combining creature cards and building construction.

Each turn, a player can perform one of the following actions: place a worker on an available action space, play a card by paying the necessary costs or prepare for the next station by retrieving workers.

Workers can be placed to collect resources, activate card abilities or perform special actions. It's important to plan wisely where to place your workers to optimize resource collection and build your city efficiently.

Players must manage their resources well, as each building has a specific cost of wood, resin, pebbles or fruit depending on the card played.

In addition, players should pay attention to synergies and combos between cards, as certain buildings can reduce or eliminate the cost of creatures associated with them, allowing the city to expand more quickly.

The game progresses through the seasons. Each new season brings back previously used workers, while unlocking new workers for use.

At the end of the game, points are calculated by the value of the cards in each player's city, events achieved and other possible bonuses. The city with the most points is declared the winner.

Main objective

Everdell Duo is a two-player strategy board game that focuses on building and managing a thriving city throughout the four seasons. Players collect resources, recruit workers, and construct buildings and characters within a vibrant, interconnected ecosystem. The main objective is to earn victory points by optimizing the placement of building cards and creatures in their cities, maximizing synergies and available resources, culminating in a city that thrives more than the opponent's at the end of the game.

Tips for playing Everdell Duo

Here are some tips for doing better in the game Everdell Duo:

  • Plan your actions in advance, taking into account the cards you have in hand and those available on the table.
  • Use the preparation phase to optimize your future plays; sometimes giving up a card now can yield better rewards later.
  • Keep an eye on the production icons and event triggers on your opponents' cards. This can help you anticipate their actions.
  • Try to balance the acquisition of building cards and creatures, as both are essential for an efficient engine.
  • Give priority to resources that are scarce on the board, ensuring that you have access to them before other players do.
  • Manage your use of workers well, ensuring that you always have useful actions to take.
  • Be on the lookout to maximize special events that require specific combinations of cards to earn extra points.
  • Keep your hand cards to use at critical moments, this can prevent you from running out of options at the end of a season.

Video about the game

Mechanics of Everdell Duo

  • Worker allocation: In Everdell Duo, players place their workers on specific locations on the board to carry out actions, such as collecting resources or acquiring cards. Each location can usually be occupied by a single worker, requiring strategy in choosing the priority actions to carry out each round.
  • Collecting Sets: Players seek to gather sets of cards of specific types in order to obtain bonuses or additional scores. The composition of the sets can vary throughout the game, influencing decisions about which cards to keep or exchange.
  • Open Buy: The cards available for buying or collecting are laid out openly, allowing all players to see their available options. This requires players to consider their future moves based on the cards their opponents may choose next.
  • Contracts: Players can complete contract cards that require certain resources or conditions to be met, offering rewards either immediately or at the end of the game. The ability to fulfill contracts directly influences the resource allocation strategy.
  • Cooperative: While Everdell Duo retains a strong competitive element, it can include cooperative mechanics or common goals that players need to achieve together, adding a layer of collaboration to the gameplay.
  • Variable preparation: The initial configuration of the game can change with each match, with the random placement of cards and resources, guaranteeing diversity and new challenges with each game session.
  • Income: Throughout the game, players receive periodic income from resources or cards, usually at the end of each season, which boosts progress in the game and strategic planning for the following turns.
  • Solo: Everdell Duo can be played in a solo mode, where a single player manages their own actions against a predefined automaton system, providing an individual challenge and a different gaming experience to multiplayer modes.

Game components Everdell Duo

See all the items in the game below Everdell Duo:

  • Action Sheets
  • Building Cards
  • Resource Coins
  • Player characters
  • Progress Markers
  • Game Board
  • Creature Cards
  • Structural parts

Additional Information
